Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One Year Old

Today you turn one years old and Momma cannot believe it! Each day that you have been in our lives has been one of the greatest blessings from God. Daddy and Mommy cannot imagine our lives without you and we are thankful for the opportunity to parent you. For your special day we went to Chick-fil-a and celebrated with one of your friends even letting you boys play in the play area after you ate lunch. When Daddy got home from work we ate your favorite dinner spaghetti and green beans and then Mommy made you some bananna pudding for dessert. Our little monkey still loves his banannas! We played outside, took a bath, read some stories, put you to bed and prayed over your little life and the years to come.

Reasons why I adore my son and milestones I want to remember:
~you are officially a toddler and no longer a baby
~you have been such a good boy playing by yourself often while Momma has been sick with the new baby:(
~you are learning to listen when we tell you not to climb the stairs
~you love playing with other children and look forward to our playdates

Stats from your doctor's appnt:
Weight- 23 lbs. 9 0z.
Length- 30 1/2 inches

Mommy and Daddy cannot believe their first-born son is one years old today! This past year has been filled with many joys, hard days, laughter, tears, new emotions experienced, and great pride. We are so thankful to Jesus for choosing us to be your parents and we are anxious to see how He will continue to allow us to help shape you into the man God created you to be. We desperately desire for you to believe the Gospel and to allow God's love to transform your heart. We are excited to keep living life with you sweet boy and see all the new things you will learn and accomplish this next year. Thank you for loving us and know our love is forever and we are here for you!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Eleven Months

Elijah one month from today you will no longer be considered a baby but you will officially be a toddler. I am not sure Momma is ready for this transition. You are growing so big and strong and we see your personality coming out more and more each day. Daddy and Mommy love watching you learn new things, try different foods, figure out how to make a mess especially in the kitchen, and become more affectionate in your touches. This month was filled with many more firsts but the biggest news is that you are going to be a big brother!!! Mommy is pregnant and due sometime in the fall. We are so excited to see how you will watch over and love your little brother or sister one day soon.

Reasons why I adore my son and milestones I want to remember:
~Daddy had to install cabinet locks in the kitchen and bathroom to keep you safe since you are crawling everywhere
~Second flight to MD to visit Papa, Nana, Aunt Amy, G.G. and some of Mommy's friends you did great!
~1st time crawling up the stairs and so the instruction/ discipline begins:)
~Learning to communicate by pointing your finger
~Tooth #9 broke through and I did not even know because you were so brave

Stats from your doctor's appnt:
No doctor's appointment for you until you turn one!

Mommy and Daddy were so excited when they found out that you were going to be a big brother. We know that you will love your little sibling so well and enjoy playing with him/her in the days to come. You are growing up so fast and we cannot believe that you will be one next month! Watching you explore the world around you brings us much joy and we are anxious to keep teaching you new things. This month really started consistent discipline with teaching you not to climb past the landing. We have already seen your strong-willed personality and determination to do your own thing, but we are confident that God will give us the grace to parent you well and guide you through this life. Each day keeps getting better with you in it and we are thankful for your sweet smiles, tender hugs, and many other ways you communicate love to us.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Ten Months

Elijah you just turned ten months old! This month has been filled with many firsts some of them not as fun as others. You cut teeth #'s 7 and 8 back to back and also had your first ear infection. On Christmas morning we found you sitting up in your crib for the first time and it was just a few days later that you learned to pull up and stand. The only problem is you have not figured out how to sit back down:) Next you took your first crawl at a friend's house and have been mobile ever since! When you look in the mirror you will say hi and wave to yourself it is so cute.

Reasons why I adore my son and milestones to remember:
~ you still love fruit but will eat almost anything we put in front of you
~ you enjoy nursing and Momma enjoys rocking and cuddling with you even if it is in the middle of the night
~you were a trooper and traveled to Lynchburg so Momma could finish up a grad class intensive
~ celebrating your first Christmas was priceless and we will remember it always
~hearing you constantly babble and say the word "bob" brings a smile to my face any time of the day

Stats from your doctor's appnt:
No doctor's appointment this month except for when you were sick with your ear infection.

This month was both so joyous yet so trying at different times. You came down with a bad ear infection one day before we were supposed to leave for Mommy's intensive in Lynchburg. Thankfully Nana was already planning on watching you and she did an amazing job nursing you back to health. Each night we were there was very rough for you and I felt so sorry that you could not get comfortable, sleep well, and wanted to eat constantly because of your antibiotic. I think you also just wanted some extra snuggle time with Momma since it was the first time we were apart all day! I will remember those sleepless nights and the grace of the Lord that brought us through that hard week. HIs strength alone carried both of us and I pray that you will come to know this personally very soon. I will always love you and strive to take care of you the best way I know how, but in the end I will fail often and the Lord's grace will have to cover me.