Saturday, September 11, 2010

Six Months

On Wednesday our baby turned six months old. I cannot believe that he is half-way to being a toddler and not a baby anymore! Six months ago I was in labor and about to deliver our sweet son not knowing the incredible amount of joy that he would bring into our lives. Well six months later here we are with Elijah Daniel living each day trying to make memories that will last a lifetime. Month six has continued to be one of daily change and constant growth as Elijah interacts with the world around him.

Reasons why I adore my son and milestones I want to remember:
~your laugh and smiles alone will brighten even the hardest day
~you love playing with toys that we give you
~your independence brings a smile to my face because you are taking after Mommy in this area:)
~each day you continue to interact with the world around you in a different way than when you were a baby
~you are now wearing size 3 diapers and are beginning to adjust to rice cereal and other baby foods

Stats from your doctor's appnt:
Weight-18 pounds 8 oz.
Length-27 1/2 inches

My sweet baby boy is half a year old and Mommy is so proud of you. Each morning when I go into your room you are dancing in your crib with a big smile on your face begging me to come rescue you! I love reaching down to get you knowing a new day has begun where I am here to take care of you, laugh with you, and get lots of smiles from you. Right now you are taking your afternoon nap and I hope you sleep for awhile because you are not feeling well. Last night was so rough and Mommy felt so sorry that there was not much she could do for you when you kept waking up. Being sick is no fun sweetheart but never forget that Mommy is here and loving you the best way she knows how with the love Jesus has given us. We are so excited to see how you will continue to grow and develop into a great man and one day husband and father to your own children.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Five Months

Well Mommy is proud of herself she is all caught up on documenting your month-to-month posts on the blog! In two days you will turn six months old and you will be half-way to one year old when you will not be considered a baby anymore. Don't worry you will always be my baby Elijah! The first two weeks of August were busy with a few weekend trips before we would hunker down for the semester. Daddy started classes the fourth week of August so we wanted to enjoy the last few days of summer and we sure did!

Reasons why I adore my son and milestones I want to remember:
~1st sit-up while playing with Momma
~Consistently rolling over from front-to-back and more leaving you alone even for a second!
~Met Mrs. Hess one of Daddy's special high school teachers
~Spent a great weekend staying with the Hesch's at Liberty University the college where Mommy and Daddy met 5 years ago
~Mommy started taking care of another little boy on Monday and Fridays and you are learning how to share:)
~Daddy started his new job which the Lord graciously provided for our family...we are SO proud of you Daddy!!!

Stats from your doctor's appnt:
We got to skip another month yay! But we do know your weight and height from another appnt that we had this month.
Weight- 17 lbs and 10 oz.
Length- 27 inches

This month Mommy has loved watching you and Daddy really form a solid relationship. You LOVE everything about him and want to be with him in his arms whenever he is home. Because of this new job he is able to spend quite a few hours with you each night, and I treasure the relationship you are cultivating with your Daddy. I pray that God will draw your hearts together as Daddy strives to teach you how to be a man of God. I know you are young but I hope you learn quickly how much your Daddy sacrifices for you. He wakes up early to complete schoolwork, works long hours, and goes to school on his "day off" so you and me can stay at home. I know he does all of this joyfully but I hope we will continue to look for ways to show our appreciation! Your smiles and infectious laughter sure make your Daddy's day so keep those coming. We love you Elijah Daniel and are so excited to see how God will use you one day to impact His kingdom. Keep smiling, loving people, and teaching Mommy and Daddy how to follow after Jesus every day.

Four Months

Month Four was another busy month with a trip to Williamsburg for Matt and Leslie's wedding. Grandpa and Grandma Purdy were able to join us and we enjoyed a great long weekend at their condo. They spoiled you, Mommy, and Daddy rotten when we went outlet shopping and ate at nice restaurants. You went on your first ghost tour in historic Williamsburg- you did pretty good until it was bed time and you were hungry:)

Reasons I adore my son and milestones I want to remember:
~Attended the Homan wedding where daddy was a groomsman
~Nana came to visit for a few days and both Mommy and you got sick:(
~Hard time falling asleep without nursing for a long time each night
~Finally stopped middle of the night feedings and began a dream feed around 10:30pm
~Met Uncle Scott and Poppy for the first time when they visited from Georgia
~Neighborhood cookout and celebration of the 4th of July
~1st roll over to back while laying on the floor in your room
~Stick out your tongue and blow rasberries

Stats from your doctor's appnt:
Weight- 16 lbs. 6 oz.
Length- 26 1/2 inches
Another round of shots was given to you sweet boy but you were a trooper and we made it through!

Even when it took me three hours to finally get you to sleep one night this month Mommy was still in awe of the gift God has given Daddy and me in you our son. We love you and are so proud of the way you continue to grow and change each day. Both sets of grandparents have commented that you are growing like a weed and we can hardly keep clothes on you before you outgrow them. Hence the shopping spree with Grandpa and Grandma in Williamsburg! You have started to adjust well to self soothing yourself if you wake up in the middle of the night. There were a few nights when you were hungry and I obviously fed you sweet boy, but overall you are starting to transition into sleeping 8 hours at a time...yay!!! The first three weekends were busy with the neighborhood cookout, Matt and Leslie's wedding, and Nana coming to visit but your love for people is already evident and we are praying that God continues to mold you into His boy that will care for the needs of other both physically and spiritually. We love you and cannot wait to see what month five brings our way.