Monday, September 6, 2010

Four Months

Month Four was another busy month with a trip to Williamsburg for Matt and Leslie's wedding. Grandpa and Grandma Purdy were able to join us and we enjoyed a great long weekend at their condo. They spoiled you, Mommy, and Daddy rotten when we went outlet shopping and ate at nice restaurants. You went on your first ghost tour in historic Williamsburg- you did pretty good until it was bed time and you were hungry:)

Reasons I adore my son and milestones I want to remember:
~Attended the Homan wedding where daddy was a groomsman
~Nana came to visit for a few days and both Mommy and you got sick:(
~Hard time falling asleep without nursing for a long time each night
~Finally stopped middle of the night feedings and began a dream feed around 10:30pm
~Met Uncle Scott and Poppy for the first time when they visited from Georgia
~Neighborhood cookout and celebration of the 4th of July
~1st roll over to back while laying on the floor in your room
~Stick out your tongue and blow rasberries

Stats from your doctor's appnt:
Weight- 16 lbs. 6 oz.
Length- 26 1/2 inches
Another round of shots was given to you sweet boy but you were a trooper and we made it through!

Even when it took me three hours to finally get you to sleep one night this month Mommy was still in awe of the gift God has given Daddy and me in you our son. We love you and are so proud of the way you continue to grow and change each day. Both sets of grandparents have commented that you are growing like a weed and we can hardly keep clothes on you before you outgrow them. Hence the shopping spree with Grandpa and Grandma in Williamsburg! You have started to adjust well to self soothing yourself if you wake up in the middle of the night. There were a few nights when you were hungry and I obviously fed you sweet boy, but overall you are starting to transition into sleeping 8 hours at a time...yay!!! The first three weekends were busy with the neighborhood cookout, Matt and Leslie's wedding, and Nana coming to visit but your love for people is already evident and we are praying that God continues to mold you into His boy that will care for the needs of other both physically and spiritually. We love you and cannot wait to see what month five brings our way.

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