Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weekend Visit with Grandpa and Grandma

Grandpa and Grandma Purdy came to Wake Forest this past weekend to celebrate Jason's birthday and spend some quality time with their grandson. Unfortunately Jason ended up working VERY long hours both Friday and Saturday night, but on Sunday we were able to all hang out as a family. My in-laws are the best and thankfully they were able to watch Elijah on Friday night while I went out with our small group girls. Daddy was supposed to be home but he did not get home until 8:00pm:( From what I hear Elijah was spoiled rotten I mean lovingly taken care of by Grandpa and Grandma all night long. They had fun feeding him, playing with him, and just enjoying their first grandson.

On Saturday all of us hung out at the house (except Jason who was working) and had a great time playing with Elijah, visiting with one another, and watching some good fall football. I am so thankful for both my father-in-law who is the most generous person I have met and my mother-in-law who has a compassionate heart. Together they make wonderful grandparents and Elijah is blessed to have them in his life. Their daughter Kristen recently moved to Raleigh and now Elijah loves having Aunt Kristen close by to stop in for a visit or give him snuggles on the couch.

Sunday we decided to stay home from church because Jason was exhausted from his work week, a little under the weather health wise, and to finally spend time as a family! It was the PERFECT day!!! Our family of three hung out in our P.J.'s all morning eating a special breakfast, playing, putting together a puzzle, and enjoying one another's company. Then at lunch time Grandpa and Grandma came over to play and hang out with us. My mother-in-law and I ended up finding awesome deals at a children's consignment sale while all the boys stayed at the house. Once again my in-laws blessed our family of three by purchasing many winter outfits and a few toys for our son. When we got back everyone watched a movie (except Elijah who got a little restless so we went on a walk) because that is what Jason wanted to do for his birthday. That night in honor of the birthday celebration we ate dinner at Cheesecake Factory and had a great time where the food was delicious! We could not think of a better way to end the weekend enjoying great food and a special time with our family. We love the Purdy family and are so grateful they love our family of three so well!

Jason received a new GPS for his birthday which was a very needed gift now that he is driving full-time at work. Anybody that knows my husband knows what an AWESOME guy he is but directions are NOT his strongpoint:)!!!

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