Saturday, September 11, 2010

Six Months

On Wednesday our baby turned six months old. I cannot believe that he is half-way to being a toddler and not a baby anymore! Six months ago I was in labor and about to deliver our sweet son not knowing the incredible amount of joy that he would bring into our lives. Well six months later here we are with Elijah Daniel living each day trying to make memories that will last a lifetime. Month six has continued to be one of daily change and constant growth as Elijah interacts with the world around him.

Reasons why I adore my son and milestones I want to remember:
~your laugh and smiles alone will brighten even the hardest day
~you love playing with toys that we give you
~your independence brings a smile to my face because you are taking after Mommy in this area:)
~each day you continue to interact with the world around you in a different way than when you were a baby
~you are now wearing size 3 diapers and are beginning to adjust to rice cereal and other baby foods

Stats from your doctor's appnt:
Weight-18 pounds 8 oz.
Length-27 1/2 inches

My sweet baby boy is half a year old and Mommy is so proud of you. Each morning when I go into your room you are dancing in your crib with a big smile on your face begging me to come rescue you! I love reaching down to get you knowing a new day has begun where I am here to take care of you, laugh with you, and get lots of smiles from you. Right now you are taking your afternoon nap and I hope you sleep for awhile because you are not feeling well. Last night was so rough and Mommy felt so sorry that there was not much she could do for you when you kept waking up. Being sick is no fun sweetheart but never forget that Mommy is here and loving you the best way she knows how with the love Jesus has given us. We are so excited to see how you will continue to grow and develop into a great man and one day husband and father to your own children.

1 comment:

  1. Elijah Daniel,
    You are so precious to Papa and Nana. Happy 6th month birthday!
