Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Jason!

Happy 24th Birthday Sweetheart!!! Elijah and I are so thankful that God created you and allowed you to enter this world on October 14, 1986. In honor of your special day we decided to share 24 reasons why we love you and are thankful you are the best husband/daddy in the whole world. I will share one reason and then Elijah will tell me another reason and we will switch back and forth.

Robin- you love the Lord with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength
Elijah- loving Mommy so well
Robin- your constant pursuit of me in our marriage amazes me
Elijah- working hard to buy me diapers and many more things
Robin- providing for our family above and beyond by working many hours
Elijah- you love to play with me as soon as you get home
Robin- greeting me at the door with a hug and a kiss when you return from work
Elijah- that silly voice and facial expressions you make only for me
Robin- the way you enthusiastically play with our son
Elijah- getting me ready for bed each night before mommy feeds me
Robin-praying every day for God's grace to be evident in our lives
Elijah- kissing me ALL the time:)
Robin- tenderly correcting me when I am in sin
Elijah-taking me fun places where we can have lots of fun together
Robin-sacrificing personal hobbies so we can spend time together
Elijah-helping mommy feed me, bathe me, and take care of me when she needs a break
Robin- working full-time while attending Seminary so I can be a stay-at-home mom
Elijah- letting me laugh at your silly comments you make
Robin- desiring to lead our family spiritually in a way that honors God
Elijah-taking me on nice long walks where I can enjoy the outdoors
Robin- constantly evaluating how we are leveraging our lives for the Gospel and where we need to grow
Elijah- teaching me how to be a respectful young boy and to treat the ladies right
Robin-being my lover, best friend, prayer warrior, encourager, accountability partner, husband, and father!!!
Elijah- being the best daddy ever!!!

We love you and are SO proud of who you are and all that you do for our family. Thank you for working for us, providing for us, fighting for us, and loving us so well.
Robin and Elijah

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