Friday, October 22, 2010

Seven Months

Two weeks ago today our baby turned seven months old. Mommy was busy finishing a grad class and then we had family come in town so sorry for the delay in posting. Month seven has been so much fun and Elijah continues to grow daily. I love watching him interact with the world around him in new ways. I believe that Elijah continues to bring more joy into our family on a daily basis.

Reasons why I adore my son and milestones I want to remember:
~this was a big month for trying new foods including squash, carrots, sweet potatoes,green beans, pears, apples, bananas, and peaches along with oatmeal in the mornings
~you hate peas just like your Mommy:)
~you learned to self feed yourself peach puffs which you LOVE!
~you showed the begining signs of seperation anxiety at MOPS the 1st time but you did better when we went back this week
~going many places like the pumpkin patch, Cheesecake factory, 1st birthday party for a friend-no matter where you are you LOVE people and will smile at almost anyone
~learned to clap your hands and have started to scoot/crawl backwards

No doctor's appointment this month but I know you continue to grow as you LOVE to eat all kinds of food!

This month we celebrated Daddy's birthday on October 14th and you were so excited to give him your card that you wrote. When Daddy read it he had tears in his eyes of joy over the great blessing you are in his life. I echo the same thought to you sweet boy. Each day is a gift from God and we strive to show you our love in many ways. As you continue to grow older and learn to do more things never forget you will always be our firstborn. This month we have seen your personality really begin to shine when it comes to expresssing yourself and trying to get what you want. You have become very vocal and will wake up chatting and babbling talking to your sock monkeys in the crib. We love peaking in on you at night and especially in the morning and watching you sleep so sweetly. Mommy and Daddy love you son and will continue to ask God to save you at a young age. Thank you for being such a happy baby!


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